Image: Illustris Collaboration.
Image: Illustris Collaboration.

     Most of us don't get to look deep into the universe -- unless you count the latest Star Trek flick. But thanks to researchers, we can all claim a front seat on the star ship. 

     Scientists have created a realistic virtual universe using a computer simulation called “Illustris.”
     Astronomers counted more than 41,000 galaxies in the cube of simulated space, according to the Smithsonian Institution. The program yielded a mix of spiral galaxies like the Milky Way and football-shaped elliptical galaxies. It also recreated large-scale structures like galaxy clusters and the bubbles and voids of the cosmic web.
     The team has released a high-definition video (below), which morphs between different components of the simulation.
     The work was done by a MIT/Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics researcher in collaboration with researchers at several institutions, including the Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies in Germany. Research has been published in the journal Nature.



      Recommended: See more about the project here.


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